Conspicuous Consumption
We are all looking for balance in our lives and it is so hard to find.  It has been interesting to me to monitor what I eat and convert it to a number of calories to compare with what I am trying to meet or be under.  Again, according to My Fitness Pal, my magic number is 1900 calories per day.  Depending on the amount of exercise I do, I can increase that number.  I have been really concentrating on it since the beginning of the year.  By avoiding sugar, fat and salt as much as possible, and trying to eat more normal portion sizes and healthy foods, I have generally been able to hit or be below my target without too much difficulty, feeling hungry, etc.  

The problem is when I do not concentrate, when I mindlessly grab a handful of this or that just out of boredom or to entertain my taste buds.  That type of eating is not only hard to monitor, but it quickly adds up and can tip the scale, literally, in the wrong direction.  It can easily occur in the course of a regular day.  Throw on top of that work stress, financial pressure, relationship problems to name a few examples and it is easy to see how the delicate quest for balance can be upset.  I am picturing the movie, Man on Wire, where the man tightrope walked between the top of the World Trade Center buildings, when they were still standing, while the high winds blew and the police waited on either side to arrest him.  He danced and stayed out there a long time.

Two things that I have noticed that help me find and keep my balance are meditation and yoga.  I have meditated sporadically for the last few years and I have been taking a weekly yoga class for the last three months.    For a while at least, after I do either, I feel centered and mindful.  I should continue and do more of both.


Chex and Cheerios cereals and milk
10 almonds
pork roast
10 green olives
2 string cheeses
¼ roasted chicken with skin on
cole slaw
15 french fries


30 minutes on stairmaster
9 minutes on the rowing machine
5 minutes of weight lifting

My Fitness Pal calculated my calories at 2128, but my exercise gave me an extra 500 so I was inside of my target.

1/23/2011 08:15:24 am

it is interesting to me that you should mention philippe petit and his historic walk. i really like the metaphor, because not only is eating well a way to keep in balance psychologically, it is also quite literally a way to keep balanced physically. What am I talking about? i was just eating a bowl of homemade sesame noodles, with a really good satay sauce, vegetables, and tempeh. i had made enough for two meals but was eating out of the serving bowl. at some point i looked at what was left and thought, Hmm, if i keep eating there won't be any for another meal. but it looked really tempting. now i am sitting on the couch thinking about how my body feels and i know that if i had eaten the rest of the bowl, which is what i really wanted to do, i'd have felt bad: distended belly, burping, out of whack. could i have walked across the tightrope under those conditions? no. in a little while i'll go to bed feeling.... normal. not hungry, not too full, just right. ready to walk the monday morning tightrope. it helps, though, that the snowstorm gave me a 3-day weekend. i am relaxed. on a regular sunday night i'd be stressing about tomorrow, and i well might have eaten the other portion!


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