Conspicuous Consumption
Once, before we had children, we went on a vacation to France.  We took our bicycles and toured around the countryside with our friends.  I highly recommend it.  The nice thing about traveling on bikes is that, on a whim, you can go explore whatever interests you.  One driveway we turned down advertised wine and foie gras.  If you have not had the pleasure, foie gras is goose liver and is considered to be a delicacy.  We saw a small pen containing geese.  From what I understand, the geese are overfed and not allowed to move around very much until their livers become enlarged from trying to process their rich diet.  Is this starting to sound familiar?  Think of Americans like myself working in small offices or cubicles and sitting.  Think of us eating way more of a diet of rich food than we need.  Can you say, early onset diabetes?  Pate anyone?  Pass the crackers.

2 regular size bran muffins
Wheat chex  and cheerios cereal with milk
Bread with olive oil
Half a beer
Fish chowder
Foie gras
Baked Chicken
Potatoes and gravy
1 glass of red wine


1 hour yoga class

My Fitness Pal indicated that I consumed around 2300 calories today, 160 more than I was alloted even after considering my exercise.  
1/17/2011 06:38:16 am

It is not surprising that so many Americans are overweight. There is an abundance of every kind of food at our fingertips whenever we want it. What's more, we have untold labor saving devices to promote sitting as a sign that you have made it. Then we have countless form of passive recreation that we can do while we sit. When we work we sit at a desk and stare at a screen or sit in meetings with doughnuts talking to us from the corner table. I am surprised the obesity rate isn't double what it is. I am surprised that we have any thin people at all. In a strange way, this is a tough life; a little compassion is in order.

1/17/2011 10:22:07 am

I am anxious each night to read what you have written that day. It is so interesting and engaging. I am proud of you and know that you will succeed!


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