Conspicuous Consumption
In my family growing up, being selfish was not encouraged.  We were taught to put others first.  While generally, I think that is a good way of being, it can present certain challenges when we all get together and try to figure out what we are going to do next.  Sometimes people are so deferential to others that no one is willing to step up and say, “I want to do X” or “I do not want to do Y” and that lack of clarity can be confusing.  It’s like the old car insurance commercial where four wagons pull up to an intersection at the same time and they cannot decide who should go first.  “No, after you.”   “No, after you.”

A buddy of mine after reading my first few posts noted that I wanted to be attractive out of respect for my wife and I want to be healthy because my kids are depending on me.  He challenged me to acknowledge that I want to be healthy for myself.  He thought it was important that I acknowledge that I want this.

I selfishly want to be as healthy as possible in order to maximize the quality and possibly the quantity of my remaining life.  There, I said it.  Now I can put the oxygen mask on the child sitting next to me.


Oatmeal, milk, walnuts and raisins
10 almonds
Bowl of chicken corn chowder bisque
Cornbread muffin
Turkey chili with a tablespoon of sour crème and cheddar cheese
Side salad with blue cheese dressing



My Fitness Pal calculated I consumed my goal for the day – 1900 calories.



Jane Leighton
1/25/2011 12:18:23 am

Lots of us were brought up with that attitude about being selfish. But the truth is we can't take care of anyone else if we're not well and strong. Self reliance is not the same as selfishness.


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