Conspicuous Consumption
The salad days are over.  Maybe I have used the term incorrectly, but to me, salad days means a day of light work ,as in the living is easy.  Today I stepped on the scales and registered 213 lbs – marking a 1 lb loss from last week.  Mind you this weigh in was after an intense (for me) cardiovascular workout with lots of sweating.  Those were the same conditions I weighed under last week, so at least it was a fair comparison.  I know I said the ideal weight loss program would yield one pound of loss per week – very sensible, very conservative.  Let me tell you, it sucks.  After two weeks in a row of five pound weight losses, I was hoping for three or four more.  One seems so little, so close to none. 

I was disappointed.  My daughter, who is very practical, pointed out to me that I ate out more last week and was less disciplined about what and how much I ate.  There were several days where I was at my goal or over for calories consumed.  From the mouths of babes.  I started by saying the salad days are over, but in fact, my salad days are just beginning.    The hard work starts now. 


English muffin toasted with peanut butter and honey
 ½  an apple
25 almonds
Chicken pesto sandwich
2 chicken sausages
Salad with olive oil and lemon dressing, parmesan cheese
Orange juice


Ran 27 minutes on treadmill

Rowed 10 minutes

7 minutes of weight lifting

My Fitness Pal calculated that I earned 500 extra calories from working out today so I was 200 under my allotment.

1/26/2011 08:19:33 am

salad days: a time of youthful inexperience or indiscretion/ OR an early, flourishing period: HEYDAY. so actually you WERE in your salad days, your early flourishing period, when you did not have to think about food/calories/exercise and their interconnectedness. you, me, and every other middle-aged person was there, in that time, when we ate and drank and didn't think twice about it.

don't be discouraged, CC. some weeks are just like that. sometimes it's a slog, and then sometimes the slog catches up and you lose several pounds at once. it took your body that long to wake up and realize, HEY!!! he's trying to DEPRIVE ME! i have to lower his metabolism to compensate!

why not try only weighing in every 2 weeks? you'll give yourself a chance for a little more significant weight loss that way. you could add a pound to your weight by just wearing heavy wool socks!


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