Conspicuous Consumption
One of the best decisions I have made in a long time was to return to yoga.  At the end of last fall my body was feeling beat up by the preceding tennis season, my shoulder was hurting and I had a groin pull that would not heal.  I have taken a series of yoga classes twice before in my life and enjoyed both, but it had been a couple of years since I had last done it.   Since last October, every Sunday at 12:15 I have been in the back corner of my yoga class.  I am not very elegant and I am sure I have many of the postures wrong, but slowly and surely I am making progress.  My shoulder still has some pain, but it is definitely better.  The groin pull is totally healed.

In many ways yoga is very unnatural for me.  Unlike some people, I was never particularly flexible, not even as a kid could I touch my toes.  As I have grown older, I have gotten even more stiff and inflexible.  It is not as if yoga can totally reverse the process – I may never be able to touch my toes.  But I have found that with concerted, consistent effort, I am slowly becoming more flexible.  In addition to the benefits to my body, at the end of class, I feel centered and my mind is calm.  My mother-in-law has been doing yoga consistently for at least the 25 years I have known her.  She is still very flexible and fit and so with her good example I would like to make it a lifetime activity for myself as well.

I am sure there are those of you who say, yoga is not for dudes.  It is true that today I was the only dude in my class, and most classes there are not more than two or three.   However, a couple of years ago, we went to a Police reunion tour concert.  I could not help but notice that Sting, who I hear is a serious yoga follower, was in remarkable shape and had fantastic energy for his age.  His band mates had not fared so well with time and looked like the old men they are.   So guys if you do not trust me, take tip from Sting-a-ling-ding and get your Namaste.  I will see you next Sunday, but the back corner is mine.


Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal in milk
Flank steak and kale in tomato sauce
Bowtie pasta with yogurt and blue cheese sauce
Hummus and crackers
Flatbread crackers and blue cheese
Bowl of cabbage and kielbasa soup
Glass of White wine


1 hour of flow yoga

My Fitness Pal calculated that my calories consumed equaled my target plus the extra 250 I earned with my yoga.

1/31/2011 06:14:33 am

I am the husband of your mother-in-law and started taking yoga almost a year ago at age 72 . . . wish I had started 50 years earlier.

1/31/2011 08:44:11 am

I have been practicing Yoga for 30 years. My 56 year old male body is more flexible now than it was when I was a teenager. So when Kevin speaks of the benefits of practicing Yoga, I completely agree. However, yoga is more than just stretching. Way more. Practiced fully, it is a science of self-realization.

2/4/2011 08:59:55 am

There is a guy in my yoga class who always stakes out the back corner too, so I'll think of you now every time I see him! The great thing about yoga is being present with your body and listening to what it is telling you along with the wonderful peaceful centering effect that comes with that. Keep up the great work CC - you are very mindfully listening to your body and taking care of it!

2/8/2011 09:22:40 am

Very impressed with this! You are working hard to meet your goal, while sharing about yourself. Let us support you however we can!


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