Conspicuous Consumption
There was an article in our paper recently about the god-like powers some people confer on their yoga instructors and the large egos that can ensue.   An example was given about a male instructor who walked up to a female student mid-posture and said loud enough for others to hear, "Your sweat smells like meat!"  The horrified student never returned.

I do not think my instructor suffers from such delusions of grandeur, but I have worried that she and others might notice that I smell like bacon.  I often cook it for my kids and myself on Sunday morning before my class and the smell clings to me.

I eat meat regularly, and while I enjoy the taste, I am morally conflicted about it.  I saw the movie Food, Inc. and I believe the way animals are treated in route to the mass production of food is unethical.  Yesterday I bought and cooked chicken breasts for my family.  Although they were "on sale" the size of the breast were larger than anything that could occur in nature.  Assuming that the birds were hormonally enhanced, then I wonder how much of the hormones my family ingested and what that is doing to our bodies over time.  Snort.  Because I have written down my diet you can see how much beef, chicken and pork I consume and that it is currently a major part of if not the focus of my diet.  

There has probably not been a day this year that I have gone without some form of meat.  It is so much a part of me that it is hard to imagine  becoming an all out vegetarian, although I admire my friends who are.For the moment, my morally compromised position is to try and consume less flesh from my furry and feathered friends, and when I do,  try to buy local, organically raised meat.


Honey Nut cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with skim milk
Breaded chicken
Re-stuffed potatoes
breaded brocoli 
hummus with pita chips
Gouda cheese
Blue cheese
Sharp cheese
Mushroom quiche
Glass of red wine


1 hour of yoga
My Fitness Pal calculated I was 230 calories within my daily goals after factoring in the yoga.
Jane Leighton
3/6/2011 09:20:08 pm

Unless you choose to grow your own food and raise chickens, you are at the mercy of today's food systems which, I agree, are often unethical. I think we have to make adjustments where we can and not be too hard on ourselves for our perceived imperfections. You are doing so well with this diet and lifestyle change!

3/7/2011 08:58:56 am

If you're ever able to watch the "King of the Hill" episode called, "Hank's Back," do! Johnny Depp plays a yoga instructor perhaps along the lines of those your post suggests!

And while I can't imagine that you would smell like bacon, :) I share your concerns about animal treatment. I have found that I feel much better about it by purchasing only free-range + hormone free meat and eggs. This way, you're not supporting the industries who mistreat animals, and if it costs a little more, just eat a little less!


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