Conspicuous Consumption
I went to yoga today for the first time in weeks.  A combination of preference for tennis and a recurring schedule conflict has conspired against my regular practice.  Although it is only Yoga 1 and I am no yogi, it was clear as I moved into my first downward dog that I had lost whatever mojo, limited flexibility I had previously gained.  My shoulders rebelled in pain and my arms shook.  I wondered once again if I could make it through the whole class.  Fortunately, even by Yoga 1 standards, this was to be a light class, almost as if the instructor knew I needed to ease back in.  

At the beginning of each class she invites us to silently set an intention. Mine today was to maintain an awareness of my breathing and to have integrity with my body.  In other words, to honor where I am now.  A couple of middle aged women to my left were obviously new to yoga.  I saw them struggling to master the positions and do them "right".  The younger woman to my right has sometimes substituted as the instructor for the class.    Her positions are "perfect" and she appears to be deep within her practice.  It is a thing of beauty to watch her flexibility and fluidity of movement.  I realize that I am positioned correctly, near the beginners, but more comfortable in my knowledge of my imperfection.  At the end of class, dripping with sweat from my exertions and breathing deeply, I realize  for these few minutes I have been true to my intention.

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