Conspicuous Consumption
You know who you are.  If you have ever said, “I eat and eat, but I can never gain any weight” or “nothing sticks to my ribs” then you are one of those people with a naturally high metabolism or maybe you have a really good on and off switch that tells your body when you are full.  I have neither, although I have lived much of my life as though it were otherwise.  I envy you.  The one advantage that even though I have  tried to delude myself I always knew it was not true.  I can see that some people  who were that way when they were younger and then it changes for them as they age may have a hard time making the adjustment, but I still do not feel sorry for you.

I remember as a young boy going with my family to an "all you can eat" seafood restaurant at the beach.  A person like me and an "all you can eat buffet" are not a good combination.  Unfettered, I would eat until I literally made myself sick, which I have done often in my life and been in real pain as a result.  As I grew older and a little bit wiser, those times happened less frequently.   But still, it is unsafe to leave me alone with a bag of Reese’s or a box of piping hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  I remember the character Leo McGarry on The West Wing explaining to someone about his alcoholism: he said, “Why would you ever stop after one drink?”  That sentiment expresses my historic relationship with food.

In the book, The End of Overeating, by David Kessler, MD, he suggests that sugar, fat and salt act as triggers to make certain people like me want to eat more, regardless of hunger.  Right now I am trying to avoid those foods as much as possible in an effort to wean myself from food craving.  When I think back on it, I never ate carrots or celery to the point I felt sick.  I think I am off to a good start and we will see how it goes.


Wheat chex  and Honey Nut Cheerios cereal with skim milk
Half a grapefruit
20 almonds
Chicken tortilla soup
Cheese Breadstick
2 chicken sausages
1 piece of bread with butter
Popcorn with salt and butter
1 glass of red wine


Eliptical Machine for 25 minutes
Rowing Maching for 5 minutes
Weight Lifting for 10 minutes
Crunches for 2 minutes

My Fitness Pal said I ate 1850 calories which is below my target of 1900.  Also I could have eaten 350 more today based on my exercise, but I did 

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