Conspicuous Consumption
Mondays tend to be weigh-in days for me.  I was anxious about weighing today because for various reasons I have been stuck in the 208-209 lbs range for the last 3 weeks.  I had definitely hit a plateau which I started to fear I could not break through.  Right or wrong, since the beginning of the year I have worked out hard on the days of weigh-in.  Certainly, water weight is part of my "loss", but at least I am consistent about it.

Today was fairly typical for a weigh-in day.  I started out lifting weights for about 10 minutes, then I worked for 10 minutes on the rowing machine.  I had already started to sweat by the time I stepped onto the treadmill.  Those of you who are squeamish about bodily functions may want to stop reading here.  I set the machine for 30 minutes going at a 6 mile an hour pace at level 8 with random hills (the machine tilts up to simulate hills).  After about a minute of running a small spot of sweat appears at the top of my shirt around the neckline.  As the minutes roll by the spot gradually expands until my whole shirt is sopping wet (this shirt is supposed to wick away the moisture).  It is really quite something to see.  After the 30 minutes there is a 5 minute "cool down"  with slower running to fast walk to walking.  The treadmill says I burned 580 calories during that time period.

Then it is time for the moment of truth.  I walk over to the scales, take off my shoes (sorry foot patrol) and step on holding my breath. The pendulum moves back and forth as I make ever smaller adjustments.  And voila, 207 lbs, I have lost 1 lb for the week!


Bowl of Honey nut Cheerios, Bran Chex cereal and skim milk
Rice cake smeared in peanut butter
Large salad with a cup of lentils  with feta cheese and red onion
Chicken kabob 4 pieces of chicken breast
Cup of rice
Pita and hummus - 4 tablespoons 
Glass of milk


Well you know

My Fitness Pal calculated I was 800 calories under goal today after factoring in my exercise.  

3/1/2011 07:17:30 am

way to go, CC. i think by the end of march you're going to be breathing down the neck of 200 pounds. wow. what an accomplishment!

i'd like to say a word here about plateaux and complacency. i've been in a bad spell lately where i thought "i've got this fitnesspal system figured out, and i can pretty much tell when i am eating/exercising enough. so i don't need to log it all in." but when you start thinking like that, it's where the extra calories start sneaking in. today it was the chocolate and tootsie rolls a colleague offered at lunch, and the slice of pizza i snarfed down when i got home, BEFORE i even ran. danger. danger. danger. time to get back on the wagon.


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