Conspicuous Consumption
Whatever happened to the Conspicuous Consumer you may have wondered?  He has not written for awhile.  Those of you who are optimistic types may have hoped for the best, imagining the CC getting thinner, maximizing his health, flying away like a little bird leaving the nest.  Unfortunately, you would be wrong.  Silence, in this case, is not golden.  When the Conspicuous Consumer is well..inconspicuous, a better bet is that something is being hidden or an undesirable behavior is going on.  I am sorry to report that much of my hard earned progress gained earlier in the year, or rather lost, has been given up.  If it were the Civil War you could say that battles occurred up and down Virginia and the South moved briefly into Maryland and Pennsylvania.  Did it happen overnight?  No, it was bite by bite.  You could say, "no one was minding the store"  or "the owner went away on holiday".  The truth is not so black and white.  In general, in the time I have been away I have continued to exercise, if somewhat sporadically.  I have continued to eat healthy food, just too much of it.  Sure there have been a few chinks in the armor, like recently when I made a pan of brownies "for my family" and bought half a gallon of Breyer's vanilla ice-cream and fudge sauce "for guests", all to be a good host now.  And somehow it worked out that I was the main one eating this happy combination.  And since there were leftovers, for several nights in a row I had to take care of those as well so there would be no waste.  Maybe the results are black and white.  Today when I stepped on the scales they said 218 lbs.

If you find this news sad and disappointing, I apologize.  I feel embarrassed to report it.  Worse, I feel my pants starting to tighten again.  All I can do now is begin again and continue, in the words of my friend Gandhi, these experiments with truth.
11/2/2011 11:22:08 am

oh, CC, no need to apologi_e (i have no last letter of the alphabet) to anyone. there is no wagon to get back on, no store to mind, no cows to herd back into the barn. there is just you,a busy man with a full life, and what i see here has some positive aspects: increased awareness of what is healthy to eat, continued exercise, whenever you can manage it, less red meat, more acknowledgment of patterns that might lead to tight pants. all you can do is try, say yes to the tennis match and no to the brownie, no to the red meat most of the time. what's that old saw, that you have to hear something 75 times before you really learn it? maybe you have to go through all this a certain number of times before it sinks in. be gentle with yourself. it's not easy.


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