Conspicuous Consumption
I once worked for a man who was older and noticeably skinny.  I had worked around him for several years and assumed that he had always been that way (skinny).  One day he surprised me by saying that when he was younger, he was overweight and had had a heart attack.  Since then, he had worked hard to lose the weight and keep it off.

At the beginning of my career I worked with a woman whose father sent her and her brother to a heart health camp - part exercise, part diet and part education.  She was in her twenties at the time and it seemed silly except that her father had recently had a heart attack.  The father's hope was that by educating his kids early, they could avoid  what had happened to him.  

My hope for myself is that by taking the actions that I am now to lose weight, getting in shape and lowering my cholesterol with medication, that I can avoid getting heart disease and/or a host of other health issues.  Re-stated more positively, by taking these steps now, I am increasing my chances for good health, which will add to the quality of my life.  Toward that end I weighed 206 lbs today, which means I have lost another pound  and 18 total since the beginning of the year!


Half a bagel with creme cheese
Cup of chicken stew
Cucumbers with hummus
Handful of pretzels and peanuts
Re-stuffed potatoes
Breaded chicken
Gouda cheese
Apple cider


Crunches and weight lifting for 10 minutes
10 minutes of rowing machine
30 minutes running on the treadmill - 10 minute miles

I was well inside my daily calorie goal after factoring in 

3/8/2011 09:18:32 am

sincerest congrats, CC. 18 pounds cannot be taken, uh... lightly. it's SUCH A LOT. and it hasn't even been 3 months. i, too want you to stay around at least as long as me. you're actually the executor of my will so you have to stick around at least a few months longer, and i plan to be around for a long time. so keep your eye on the prize, sir.


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