Conspicuous Consumption
The other night I mentioned a fat man's trick of buying pants that are a little too big in order to make yourself look smaller wearing them.  Another is to buy a belt that is too big.  The logic is that if you have extra room in your belt then you must not be too fat, right?  Well, these tricks allowed me to fool myself anyway.  Maybe having a belt that was too big helped me avoid the opposite problem.  I have one of those belts as well, one that I have had for years that I am only barely able to still fit in the last notch so there is hardly anything left to fit through the belt loop.  Now, that is embarrassing.  

The good news is that the belts that I bought big are now almost really too big.  As my waist has gotten smaller, I have had to tighten my belts in order to keep my pants up.  I am literally down to the first notch in the belt.  For my frugal friends I do realize that it is possible to make a new notch,  however the belts are  so big they already  look silly.    Right now the whole delicate equation is still holding, but as I lose more weight it will be time to invest in new belts.


Honey Nut Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with skim milk
Chickpea salad
taco salad
Havarti cheese - 4 slices
Apple cider



My Fitness Pal calculated that I was on target with my daily goal of 1900 calories.

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