Conspicuous Consumption
For those of you Harry Potter fans, you know that the character Mad-Eye Moody believes in constant vigilance.  It is still amazing to me to have learned that two large handfuls of potato chips could equal 600 calories - almost one-third of my daily goal.  Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am stunned by that fact.  I could not tell you how many times in my life I have eaten that many and more with no thought at all about the impact.  That is probably how I found myself 46 lbs over a "normal" BMI index level.  It is just so easily done.  Potato chips are like eating air with that (momentary) salty, satisfying crunch.  When I was younger the best was to also dip them into french onion dip or even better, put the remnants from the potato chip bag in the last bits of dip and finish the mixture off with a spoon - who am I kidding?  - with my tongue.  The worst part of my potato chip binge was that that had been my hard work out day.  Even though I had "earned" 600 extra calories, through blood, sweat and tears, I used them all up with a few thoughtless moments of consuming fatty, salty air.  From now on I must maintain constant vigilance.


Two eggs, roasted potatoes, 2 pieces of bacon and avocado
Hummus and bread
beef Shwarma 
Fried Calamari
1 beer


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