Conspicuous Consumption
I have definitely been more grouchy since I have been losing weight.  I have a shorter temper and I have been more prone to lash out.  I am not proud to say that my family has borne the brunt of this changed behavior, specifically, my kids, my wife and some people at work.

What could be the cause of it?  Certainly, in the beginning, especially, I had some additional tension around reducing my food intake.  Would I get enough to eat?  What if I got too hungry?  But it did not take long to realize I was eating enough and I was NOT going to starve.

I think what is happening is that before I was more likely to hold in my frustrations and let anger and resentment build up.  It could be that to manage it, instead of dealing with issues as they came up, I would overeat, a classic passive-aggressive behavior.  Now I do not want to become an angry, bitter person, or treat others unfairly.   I may need to practice channeling my frustrations into more positive, timely, assertive communication, but I am sure the old way was not good either.  It is an interesting theory to think about.  The next time you see an overweight person (perhaps in the mirror) imagine those extra pounds as frustration, disappointment, or sadness turned inward and stuffed inside.  We have all heard the expression drowning your sorrows in beer, maybe we do it just as often by eating a bag of chips.  So the question becomes if you are fat are you really happy or have you just not dealt with some things that should be deal
3/12/2011 09:48:30 pm

I experienced the same grumpiness for the first few months. I attribute it to the fact that eating constituted a source of pleasure, a body of coping habits to the small frustrations we all experience, as you point out. In a way, food as oral pleasure becomes another drug, and so "breaking the habit" produces "withdrawal symptoms" mostly in the form of grumpiness. In some ways the temptation is always there, but rest assured, the symptoms do pass. And the pleasures remain available as long as they're taken in moderation. Actually, the pleasures are heightened again when the food is really tasted rather than just being consumed out of a needy habit. And we'll continue to be grumpy at the normal rate that our loved ones and colleagues had come to expect ;-)


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