Conspicuous Consumption
It is appropriate that I put a picture of my gut to put on the website.  I definitely have a ring of fat there that encircles my middle, whether it is called love handles, inner-tube, whatever.  If I grab it and squeeze it is about 3-4 inches of pure T fat.  Fat must not be very imaginative.  I overeat, my body processes and makes use of what it can and the extra says, "I will be fat and hang out right here."

I have read from authoritative sources that having this ring is unhealthy, especially in such proximity to major organs and can lead to some nasty health problems.  I want it gone.  However, so far with my weight loss, although there has been some reduction, the ring is still there.  I have a sense that some day, the rest of my body will be thin and the ring will be hanging out, clinging to the end.  And it burns, burns, burns.


Cheerios and Raisin Bran cereal with skim milk
2 eggs scrambled
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 piece of bacon
Two pieces of Italian ham
A piece of havarti cheese with bread
Hummus and toasted slices of french bread
chickpea salad
chicken salad
two glasses of wine


1 hour of yoga

My Fitness Pal calculated today to be even with the extra calories equal to my consumption plus exercise.  
2/13/2011 08:47:40 pm

From what I have seen and heard, you should not expect to entirely rid yourself of this burden. I've known top-flight athletes that at a certain age simply acquired and retained such a small abdominal ring, no matter how hard they worked to eliminate it.

Yes, abdominal fat is a risk, but the risk is in the genetics that causes it to accumulate there. The real and attainable goal is to minimize that effect, not defy genetics.

So take heart, getting your weight down into the healthy range will definitely bring the benefits you need, if not all the benefits you want.


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