Conspicuous Consumption
There is an idea in meditation and buddhism called mindfulness.  At great risk of oversimplification, my understanding is that it means to pay attention, to notice.  During meditation, if an errant thought passes through your mind you are supposed to notice it like a cloud passing through the sky, observe and then let it go.  As applied to my recent project, I am trying to be mindful of my eating, to pay close attention  to what and how much I eat, and how I feel about it.  As in meditation, you are not supposed to beat yourself up  if you become distracted.  The same idea applies here, in that if I overeat or eat something unhealthy, I notice that too and move on.  If it works as it is supposed to, by focusing my attention on it, I will naturally begin to moderate my consumption and move to a more balanced state.


Cereal with milk
egg white vegetable omelette (yuck)
deep fried potato pieces
quarter broasted chicken
Beef swarma
Tahini sauce
red grapes 
orange juice


1 hour of yoga

My Fitness Pal calculated the exercise gave me

2/7/2011 11:45:31 pm

I hear a lot about "mindfulness" in my meditation class. There is a story about the Buddha who was out walking one day. After all, he was just a dude. He met a man who was struck by his appearance and asked, are you a god? Buddha said, no. Well, are you a king? Buddha said, no. Well, are you a prophet? The Buddha said, no, I am awake.


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