Conspicuous Consumption
You will hear me discuss many heart health issues here.  On this special day though, I want to recognize that the heart is more than just a machine, that if healthy  and lucky pumps our blood non-stop for some eighty years or more.  In addition to that important function, we consider the heart to be the center of our emotions, including the most important, love.  I work in a large city and ride public transit.  Today I enjoyed observing men, young and old, carrying flowers like you would tenderly carry a baby.  In addition there were bags and packages bulging with candy, jewelry and other tokens of our esteem.  It was harder to see the many poems and love songs being written.   We all snickered at the congressman recently  who got caught sending a picture of himself making muscles in the mirror over the internet.  But I ask you, in the end, doesn't love make fools of us all?  And I say, thank God for that!

I am traveling for the next few days, so it will be difficult to post.  I will be writing it all down, however,  for when I return.
2/15/2011 12:43:50 am

Hang in there. I started January with great intentions, but have let kid and biz stress deflect me. But I am managing to play some indoor tennis. Good luck!


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