Conspicuous Consumption
Its Monday, need I say more?  At work today I spent the whole day getting ready to make an important presentation at 4 pm.  There was a lot of pressure to know my stuff and so I had preparatory anxiety all day and even over the weekend.  At 3:55 pm my boss called me to say a conflict had come up and we would have to reschedule.  It was very disappointing to know I will have to go through some form of this preparation all over again.

Still trying to make lemonade, I grabbed my gym bag and headed downstairs.  An hour later, dripping with sweat, I approached the scales feeling fairly confident I had lost more weight.  Making the necessary adjustments, it seemed like I kept moving it to the left.  Letting myself fantasize, I thought maybe I lost 2 or even three lbs this week.  When it finally stopped moving I looked eagerly to discover it was still solidly on 206.  I had lost no weight at all this week.  

Although it hurts to be turned away at the door like that, I know it is just part of life.  Certainly, the latest happenings in Japan remind us that a normal day where things do not turn out the way you want may not be such a bad day after all.  I recall talking with a good friend of mine who in the height of the recession had lost his job.  He has four kids and I expected him to be devastated.  Instead, I  was surprised to hear him say that life was not always going to be easy.  He expected there to be ups and downs and obstacles along the way.  As it turned out, within a couple of months my friend had found another job, one that was a better fit and his skills were needed and recognized.  All that to say I still wish I had lost a lb.


Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with skim milk
Thai coconut soup
brie and crackers with red grapes
Side caesar salad
quesadilla with black beans, salsa and sour creme
2 breaded chicken strips


10 minutes of crunches and weight lifting
10 minutes of rowing machine
30 minutes of running 10 minute miles on treadmill 

According to My Fitness Pal, I was well within my calorie 

3/14/2011 01:17:31 pm

That is a VERY tough day . . . you are corageous to share it! As you know, bad days and good days come and go . . . look at us compare to our fellows in Japan. You are going to make it . . . of that I have no doubt . . . hang in!


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