Conspicuous Consumption
I have worked in a corporate environment for approximately 20 years.  When I look back on that time it conjures a range of feelings: youthful enthusiasm, the thrill of a young man on the rise, bitter disappointment when a hoped for angle did not play out.  It has not been a one way up elevator ride.  There have been many bumps along the way, a few sideways steps and frankly a couple of backwards moves.  There have been more than a few times over the years when I felt like an impostor in a suit and tie or an actor trying to play a role.  

The last couple of days I have been traveling for work.  Last night I found myself at a bar having the last drink of the evening with several co-workers.  At this particular bar there was a mechanical bull that various people were trying to ride.   Some were better than others and stayed on longer,  but the thing I noticed was, sooner or later, the bull will always buck you  off.


Cheerios and raisin bran cereal with milk
24 almonds
Cup of chicken stew
Granny smith apple salad with cranberries and blue cheese
4 tbls of hummus and 6 crackers
beef and shrimp hunan
Glass of milk


10 minutes of rowing machine
30 minutes of running
10 minutes of weight lifting

My Fitness Pal calculated 500 extra calories for my exercise.  I was 300 inside my daily target - but had gained a pound this week - to 209.  I attribute it to the travel and too many meals eaten in a restaurant.  Time to get back on the bull.

2/17/2011 09:11:36 pm

hang in there, CC. one day at a time. every day gives you a new chance to get it right for that day, and to ride the bull for another second or two.

i, too, have had a hellish work week and have not exercised except once. but i am staring down the barrel of a 9-day vacation and the thing i am most looking forward to is getting some kind of fresh air exercise every single day. hopefully it will wipe away the ill effects of this wearying week.

2/19/2011 05:16:24 am

My brother spent 30 years in the corporate world until he rose as high as he could and was sent packing. HE is doing fine though. Three years in to early retirement found him getting back to the weight he had in college. This was done just by living the life he choose.


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