Conspicuous Consumption
One of the characters I admire most when it comes to controlling his temper is Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books.  Dumbledore always stays calm and relaxed  and I would even say mannerly, even under the most extreme conditions - like dueling to the death with his arch-enemy, Voldemort.  I realize that Dumbledore is a fictional character and even then, there were reports that he was less controlled in his youth.

That said, my recent behavior has been pretty un-Dumbledore like.  I could plead that as the father of teenagers I have an excuse, except that is just when I need the most calm.  I spent many years trying to pretend that I did not get angry - that I was above anger.  On that front, my  recent outbursts could be considered progress.  The pretending is over.  What is not progress is shouting, using bad language and setting a bad example for those closest to me that I most want to positively influence.  

We get National Geographic magazine and I have recently been reading about a volcano in Africa that is very active.  There is a growing city nearby that is in constant danger of its blowing.  I think my anger is sometimes  like that volcano, with pressure building up underneath and sudden, unexpected eruptions.  I think my anger, although non-physical, can be just as destructive.  

I have been taught the best language to use in a confrontation is:

When you do X, I feel irritated/mad/angry.  I would prefer you to do Y. 

 I just have to remember to breathe deeply, use that language, especially when certain subjects are involved which I know ahead of time could be potential flash-points.  That, and ask myself often, what would Albus Dumbledore do?

Today I weighed 205 lbs which means I have lost another pound and nineteen total since the beginning of the year.


Honey nut Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with skim milk
Potato soup 
Roastbeef and brie sandwich
1 piece of cheese pizza
Hummus and crackers 
Steak salad
Apple cider
Red grapes


Walked 4 miles at a brisk pace
Lifted weights and did crunches for 20 minutes

My Fitness Pal said the walking was worth 450 calories and therefore I was well inside my daily goal.

jane leighton
3/21/2011 09:10:22 pm

When I was a child I was taught that geting angry was not a good thing to do. I learned to keep it inside myself, sometimes not even knowing I was experiencing it. People commented on how calm I seemed. In my thirties I learned to express my feelings and indeed to acknowledge them, and was often overwhelmed by the anger I felt. This anger seemed to demand some kind of physical expression. After some trial and error, I found my best outlet was yard work or any kind of vigorous physical activity. Cutting down bushes, attacking honeysuckle vines, lopping off branches while naming them and telling them how I felt was the beginning of my interest in gardening! And, it was a fine way to get rid of some of the anger that hat sat unacknowledged for too long.


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