Conspicuous Consumption
I recently went to an out of town training for work.  The class was comprised of 30 random people from my company and I did not know any of them.  It was an all day class and in the early afternoon the instructor made a reference to something that happened in the 1980s AND THEN HE SAID, "You probably remember that?" and he seemed to be looking right at me.  I cautiously glanced to my left and right  to make sure my assumption was correct.  I am not sure I made any verbal response, but may have moved my head slightly to let him know he should move on.   After the focus of attention had passed I discretely looked around to confirm that indeed, I was the oldest one in the room.

Now this is a fairly new phenomenon for me.  I have worked in various large corporations over the past 20 years.  During that time I have gone from a young whipper-snapper to part of the gang.  Now, at the ripe age of 46, in various groupings, I find myself to be on the far end of the range.  

Maybe this particular group was not as random as it first seemed, after all the people in it had self selected for additional training.  In my career, I  have always valued learning new things or deepening my expertise in a particular subject.  However, maybe there becomes a point where acknowledging that you do not know everything becomes unseemly and having some grey hairs means you must present yourself as all knowing.  If so, I did not get that memo.

Certainly, there are people older than me at my company.  Older  people in positions of power, particularly if they are wise, seem natural.  I, however, am not in a position of power and so I have begun to feel like a bit of an out-lyer, the odd man out, or perhaps just odd.  I know the Buddha said to be where you are and one of the purposes of meditation is acceptance.  In the words of Gandhi, it appears I shall have to meditate more on this subject.


Fruit cup
Chicken and re-fried been quesadilla with cheese
4 crackers with brie
2 chicken and portabella mushroom sausages
Side salad
Glass of white wine


Ran 25 minutes at a 10 minute mile pace

My Fitness Pal calculated I was 300 calories inside my daily goal after factoring in the exercise.

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