Conspicuous Consumption
The other day my daughter said she wanted to talk with me.  I braced myself expecting another harangue about why she should have a puppy, a treadmill or fill in the blank of her current agenda item.  This one was different.  She said she noticed that I had missed a couple of blogs.  She knew I had been traveling so she understood the reason.  Then she asked if I planned on writing that night?  I told her I planned to.  She said that was good, because it was important that I keep going, it was important that I finished what I started.  Now keep in mind that she has lived with me for almost 13 years with the opportunity to observe me up close and personal.  I suppose she has had the chance to notice that I like to have multiple projects going on at the same time and that there might have been one or two occasions where I never quite got around to finishing some of them.  My wife accuses me of having this quality, pointing out that the Christmas tree stand is still sitting on the side porch instead of in the basement where it belongs - I did move it from the yard to the porch when the complaints became too frequent.  And then my daughter stuck the knife in, "You know, Dad, this is important because someday I might have a project that I need to complete, and I will remember how this went."


Honey Nut Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with skim milk
1 Banana
36 almonds
cup of split pea soup
Apple, cranberry and blue cheese salad
hummus, cheese and crackers
breaded chicken breast
steamed brocoli
Glass of orange juice


10 minutes of rowing machine
30 minutes of running on the treadmill - 10 minute miles
10 minutes of weight lifting

My Fitness Pal calculated that I earned 400 extra calories from my exercise.  I was 170 calories inside my daily goal counting the exercise.  I weighed 208.5 today.  I had not really lost any weight since last week, but I stayed the same even though I was traveling.  I will count that as a victory and 
2/21/2011 11:19:09 am

Your daughter is a piece of work!

jane leighton
2/21/2011 08:12:57 pm

Well aren't you lucky to have a daughter who cares so much about you that she knows precisely what she can say to get your attention!


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