Conspicuous Consumption
A couple of people have asked me about my water consumption, I think because I have not made a note of it.  Yes, I drink lots of water.  During the day at work, I keep a glass going all the time.  During the weekends it is a little harder because I am out of my routine, so I find I have to make more of  a point of it.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I had to pretty much give up soda after college.  It was obvious to me even then that I did not need the extra sugar or calories, even though I love a nice cold Coke every now and then.  I have always hated the taste of diet drinks and so I never developed that habit.

I read the book The Abs Diet this summer.  One of its points that I remember is that milk is good for you in many ways, so I drink skim milk more often these days.

One more word about drinking water.  A friend and I were discussing its many merits today when in a wave of enthusiasm he said, "I do not think you could drink too much water."  That may not be true.  My neighbor's elderly mother almost died from drinking too much water.  Apparently, she became obsessed with it and drank so much water that her sodium level became dangerously low.  Which just goes to show you that the only thing you can not have too much of in this world is love!


2 rice cakes with peanut butter
half a grapefruit
A chicken pesto sandwich
hummus and crackers
A 2 egg mushroom and cheese omelette made by my son, delicious
An apple 
An orange
3 slices of havarti cheese with crackers


10 minutes of yoga and abdominal exercises
20 minutes of weight lifting

My Fitness Pal calculated I was 400 calories under my daily goa

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