Conspicuous Consumption
Now that I have been at this experiment for more than 30 days,  I am going to dare to allow myself a bit of reflection.  I have learned that starting a blog is not as scary as it first seemed, especially if you have children or a  college aged niece who are willing to help you.  I have learned that 1900 calories is a reasonable amount for me to eat each day and that I will not starve or even be particularly hungry eating that amount.  I have learned that it is easy to go way off track when I eat out at a restaurant and that most alcoholic drinks contain at least 150 calories, each.    I am beginning to believe that it is true that when I eat sweets, I crave more of them, and when I avoid sweets, as I have been doing, that craving diminishes. I have learned that most fruits and vegetables have between 50 to 100 calories each, and being good for me, I should eat more of both.  Although not the basis of my weight loss program, exercise is an important part and I feel better when I am working out.  I have learned that by publicly declaring my goal and admitting some of my shortcomings, I have a vast network of people who want me to be healthy and will support my efforts.  Finally, it feels really good to have have lost 13 lbs, a good start, and I want to keep going!


Cheerios and Bran Chex cereal with milk
1 piece of bacon
An orange
Red grapes
A chicken pesto sandwich
mixed fruit
Oatmeal bagel with creme cheese
3 slices of Harvarti cheese with crackers
Glass of white wine



My Fitness Pal calculated I was 50 calories over my goal.
jane leighton
2/9/2011 01:59:41 am

You sure do have a vast network of people who want you to be healthy, and I continued to be SO proud of you and impressed with the way you are handling it. Each day I enjoy reading what you are thinking and learning.

2/10/2011 07:48:47 am

gone but hopefully not forgotten, CC. my computer crashed this weekend and luckily there are college-aged daughters around who know how to REPAIR HARD DRIVES. i'd like to comment about the vast network. i have felt inspired watching you go through this process (i am trying it myself, just not publicly)--because you are so honest about the day to day struggles. as i noted above, things happen, life is not always a relaxing or satisfying place, and it is really easy to take comfort where you can get it, namely, in a donut or a beer. but being part of this conversation has helped me think more about what i am eating and i notice that on crappy weeks like this one, when i don't have time to exercise and am exhausted and working too hard, i scaled back the eating to compensate, almost as a matter of course. that's progress, for me. so thanks to you for opening up the door to talk about this.


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